速報APP / 家庭 / Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet

Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Jordan Amman almoqabaleen post office Alaa suliman 0782749368 mobile Jordan

Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet(圖1)-速報App

Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet APP

This educational app brings the Arabic alphabet to life, with the ability to draw the letters out by hand using the colors your children want to use.

For many kids, simply reading and writing isn’t enough to help them learn. They need to develop a love for learning They need to feel fun while learning

Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet(圖2)-速報App

They need to feel the desire to learnThey need motivation to learn, understanding that it can be fun, engaging, and downright entertaining. With this new educational app, they won’t even realize they’re learning! They’ll just be having fun, which is what every kid should be doing today.

Through drawing and drawing the Arabic numerals and drawing, the child can enjoy learning

It is a very simple way for a child to learn Arabic grammar and numbers well

Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet(圖3)-速報App

This application helps to understand the Arabic language for children so that they can write Arabic alphabet

Should I download Write the Alphabet? Here are some of our key features.

– Colors: Your kids can choose from 20 different colors as they draw the arabic alphabet. They can use just one color and reading.

Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet(圖4)-速報App

– Eraser: Don’t worry – if your child messes up and wants to start again, our arabic alphabet app includes an eraser! They can easily erase their mess and try a second time, helping to boost their self confidence.


– Fun: Most importantly: kids just want to have fun. If you can show them that learning is fun, that is something they will take with them throughout their schooling. It will lay the groundwork for a successful educational career.

Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet(圖5)-速報App

You can watch the kids enjoy listening to Arabic characters

You will see Faces light up with smiles as they explore each letter of our alphabet. Try new characters and colors while your children master the basics of the alphabet, providing fun and attracting family activities suitable for everyone at night. Relax after a long day of work, open the mobile device, and watch your children love to learn.

Learn and Write the Arabic Alphabet(圖6)-速報App